In this time of high technology so many still struggle to track and log time on a daily basis. With new concepts in billing and better time tracking system these struggles can be eliminated. By automating processes and systems firms can make it easier to track time promptly and accurately. Automated time tracking can be used for billing, payroll and reporting reveling the under charging of clients, lost billable time and inefficiencies. This session will provide new concepts and ideas on how to increase your billable time and reduce administration time.
Learn how automated time tracking can increase your billable time.
Discover how to streamline the number of databases in your firm and how to improve workflow to reduce administration time.
Find out what the difference is in value pricing and flat fee billing are and how they affect your firm’s bottom line.
C. Douglas, OH
"I'm always looking for ways to improve myself as well as finding ways to improve the firm. This webinar was very good in doing both."John, FL
"enjoyed the circular flowchart of client delivery through client return pickup and payment, well done"Karen, MA
"Brilliant concept, but as a sole prop and a one woman show, it's probably a little much for me."Michelle, OH
"Great speaker who kept my attention as well as the webinar interesting and progressing!"Mary, NY
"Nice to see the demo and I am definitely going to start being more efficient"Michael, FL
"Looking forward to implementing some of the webinar ideas presented..."Gene Arthur, FL
"Productivity is great, but only if it translates into billable time!"Robert, IN
"interesting to listen to another thought -leader"
EVP of OfficeTools Product
(661) 794-2220
Michael Giardina is the Designer and Architect of the OfficeTools WorkSpace™ and WorkSpace™ Online software. Michael has owned a tax practice, worked for multiple firms and provided consulting to over 500 firms. Michael routinely speaks at Accounting & Tax Conferences and webinars on the benefits of technology and effective firm management. Michael holds a Bachelor of Science in Business from Metropolitan State College, Denver, Colorado.