Most accountants have received little in the way of sales and marketing training, let alone in digital marketing. It’s no mystery why many accountants struggle in this vital area of practice development. Tyler Clark, Click Funnels Certified Partner & CMO, will discuss how ‘techno-immigrants’ can comfortably assimilate easy-to-implement digital marketing strategies into their practice to generate high quality leads online. Todd Steinberg, Vice President, will reveal the secrets of how to execute the perfect sales presentation to quickly convert leads into paying clients with a time tested methodology.
Three simple techniques that will improve your digital image.
How to generate high quality leads using digital marketing.
How to determine your prospects buying motives.
How to deliver an effective sales presentation.
Learn the most effective low key closing techniques that will stack the odds of success in your favor.
Krishnamurty, TX
"Very useful. Realized that for developing general selling traits, training is extremely helpful. Certain illustrations were very effective such as probing questions and closing techniques. I am sure a full blown training being offered will increase one's horizon of creative thinking. The training (it appears) will really open the ability to think creatively and respond to all dynamic scenario one may face when one meets a prospect to close a deal."kee, CA
"The presentation was very informative and its delivery was effective. I learned a lot and I will apply some of point to my potential clients."Oliver, MD
"This was a good and important Webinar because it exposed a lot of things people take for granted, that really matter."Michael, WA
"I enjoyed getting this information. Specific ideas, resources and steps to take were given. Thanks!"Rebecca, SC
"This is the first time I have formally learned about sales techniques - very insightful!"Kimberlie, FL
" does a great job of providing interesting and relevant CPE offerings."Ravi, NJ
"I really need to brush up on my Marketing and Sales. This was very informative."Avianca, CA
"It was a very good webinar especially since it was their first time presenting"
New Clients, Inc.
Chief Marketing Officer & Click Funnels Certified Partner
(888) 222-0778
Son of founder Bruce Clark, Tyler is involved in a variety of efforts related to digital marketing and is responsible for creating NCI’s all new Online Academy, and their done for you digital marketing solution titled “Future Proof Your Firm”. He is also the Co-founder of America’s Choice bookkeeping and Tax and runs the sales and marketing efforts of NCI’s sister firm.
New Clients, Inc.
(609) 870-8116
Todd Steinberg offers more than 20 years of experience emphasizing sales, marketing, and business development in marketing accounting services. The scope of Todd’s experience has spanned virtually all aspects of the accounting practice industry. A respected leader in the industry, his experience includes teaching and implementing proven marketing strategies, integrating financial planning and payroll services into accounting practices, outsourcing best practices, and offering forward-looking business advisory services. Todd has also been a featured speaker at regional and national conferences as an authority on marketing accounting services. Todd is Series 7, 66, Life, Accident & Health Licensed.